(Canscene) — So many years, so many worthy Canadian films that have received little acclaim or distribution beyond the screenings at Toronto International Film, festivals. What’s in store for Canadian films at Festival 2007, opening September 11?
One recalls Falling Angels, Ararat, Rhinoceros Eyes, Stardom, to name just a few that came and went quickly on sceens across Canada. Plus the hordes of fine Quebec films — outside their province of origin.
It is to the credit of festival co-directors Piers Handling and Noah Cowan and the TIFF board that they persist in bringing us a large proportion of productions with Canadian origins.
This year’s selections bring fresh hope for a real breakthrough and are linked to creative names like Denys Arcand, Francois Girard, David Cronenberg, Guy Maddin, Robert Lantos, Jeremy Podeswa and Clement Virgo, all of whom have scored kudos at previous TIFFs.

Viggo Mortensen and David Cronenberg at the TIFF press conference.
We’ll watch with interest the way in which Lantos and Podeswa have accepted the challenge of adapting festival opener Fugitive Pieces, from the stunning, poetic novel by Ann Michaels and how Cronenberg, reunited with his History of Violence star Viggo Mortensen serves up what promises to be a new twist to to an old genre in the thriller Eastern Promises.
Here’s the official TIFF release
Canadian programming at the 32nd Toronto International Film Festival highlights the best of our national cinema, bringing the country’s finest films and filmmakers to the attention of local, national and international audiences. This year, Canada First! opens with Martin Gero’s funny, sexy comedy YOUNG PEOPLE F*CING, and continues its celebration of emerging talent with eight feature films. Ticket Passes and Packages now on sale. For more information, please visit tiff07.ca or call 416-968-FILM or 1-877-968-FILM. (more…)