Amazing Quilt of Belonging visited CNE
Photo of the Quilt of belonging at the Inaugural exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. Photographer: Nick Wolochatiuk.
Friend Bill Andersen and his wife took in the Canadian National Exhibtion with visitng brother and famly. Bill told me of his amazement at the splendor of this tribute to Canadians.
The Quilt of Belonging project was begun in the fall of 1998 by artist Esther Bryan. In 1995 she had gone on a life-changing journey to Slovakia with her parents to find the family and home her father had left behind 43 years earlier. The dream of making this artwork was born from Esther’s experiences as she recognized that everyone has a story to tell and that the experiences and values of our past inform who we are today. Each culture has a unique beauty that enhances our national identity. Each person can experience a sense of belonging and find an equal place in a global family.
The massive quilt is a 120 foot long by 10.5 foot high (36 metres by 3.5 metres) tapestry. The rich, cultural legacies portrayed in the 263 blocks include all the First Peoples in Canada and every nation of the world.
Alas, the CNE (August 15 to September 1) visit was the one location planned for Toronto.
September 1st, 2008 at 2:14 pm
For the record, Ben, Donna saw the quilt at the Ex and told me about it. I wasn’t along that day, but I hope to see it for myself, one of these days.
Another mutual friend, Karen Bell, made a special point of writing me to say how impressed she was with this monumental work. It’s a terrific concept and I want to see how it’s been executed. Apparently, it’s stunning!