Archive for March, 2010

The First Word

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Still under the emotional spell cast by our country’s athletes at the 2010 Winter Olympics.
I’ll never forget that moment when young Sid Crosby shot the winning goal into the U.S.A net. For me, it was sheer magic and I will continue to be celebrate it along with 35 million others. But for the moment let’s forget all the hosannahs we can expect in the days ahead. Let’s think of the spirit ignited by Canada and let’s make sure to carry this spirit forward to 1017 when a free Canada celebrates its 150th birthday.

Toronto celebrates

Canscene, Vol 10, No 3, March, 2010

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Two clear and present dangers

Monday, March 1st, 2010

(Canscene) — The response both in financal and physical aid to Haiti has been enormous and the humanitarians of the world are to be profoundly thanked.

But it must be clearly understand that in our relationsips with this benighted country we are dealing with a psyche that has been damaged for years. Right now the recent visit of Prime Minister Harper and his pledge of building a government headquarters raises once again the question of his immaturity in foreign affairs. (more…)

Mongolia: Land of the Deer Stone

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Mongolia: Land of the Deer Stone
By Elaine Ling
Lodima Press, $98

(Canscene) –To call this a monumental work is to be mistaken for a flack in tne pay of the publisher, but the fact must remain; Mongolia: Land of the Deer Stone will remain for me one of this year’s outstanding publications with promise of a long life beyond.

Hong Kong born Elaine Ling came to Canada at age nine and graduated from the University of Toronto as a physician and has worked with Aboriginal communities on health problems.

But another significant dedication started when she backpacked her view camera and began to visit deserts and other remote places throughout the world. carefully framing their vastness in her ground glass lens. Ling’s work is to be found in major photograpic collections throughout the world.

Turkcis carving

Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, visited in 2001 was to be the first of five trips there. (more…)

“On the Road North” travelling and virtual exhibit

Monday, March 1st, 2010

(Canscene) –In the 18th century, Black Canadians began a long journey, one composed of many human stories. These narratives encompass groundbreaking laws, acts of personal heroism, as well as years of steady and determined work. On the Road North tells just some of these stirring tales of idealism, courage and leadership. (more…)

A “lost” classic?

Monday, March 1st, 2010

(Canscene)– The island of Ibiza is today one of Spain’s most popular resort areas, but googling its hisory reveals nothing of the bitter civil war which engulfed it and particularly the town of Santa Eulalia in 1936. The record remains, however in The Life and Death of a Spanish Town by Elliot Paul published during the height of the Civil War.

Elliot Paul who chronicled the life and death of Santa Eulalia in 1936-37

45-year-old Paul, an accomplished American writer of poetry. novels and nonfiction had chosen to settle in Santa Eulalia in 1931 after a nervous breakdown. The opening pages of his book are vivid recreations of the sights and sounds of the town at early morning, on July 14,1936: the local bus starting up, the barking of dogs, the squeal of animals being slaughtered for food and the early morning drinkers of whom there are quite a few in Santa Eulalia. (more…)

Verdi a la Russe

Monday, March 1st, 2010

(Canscene) — Two of the opera world’s leading Verdi singers are coming to Toronto and Montreal in March. They are the Russian baritone Dmitri Hrovorotsky and soprano Sondra Radvanovsky. In recent years, they have risen to the top rank of Verdi interpreters. He has been called “the supreme singing actor” which makes him an ideal central figue of the dramatic Verdi repertoire. Radvanosky has by many been hailed as the top Verdi soprano of modern times. (more…)

DISS sponsored by the Rotary Club of Toronto

Monday, March 1st, 2010

( Canscene) — Mixed Company Theatre has announced a new sponsorship from the Rotary Club of Toronto for their new play about youth violence, DISS, that will tour schools March 22 – April 16. This acclaimed production, premiered in 2009, focuses on gang presence in our neighbourhoods and the pressures youth face finding social connection and identity.

DISS incorporates raps based on experiences with violence and covers topics including snitching, family relationships, friendship, theft, gun violence and many other issues that affect young people in communities with gang presence. (more…)

The Last Word

Monday, March 1st, 2010

(Canscene)-The Edmonton Public library celebrated Freedom to Read in February. This is an annual event across Canada that encourages all of us to embrace intellectual freedom. To give everyone the opportunity to read what they want, to be informed about all points of view so that we can make an informed choice. One quote… that sums up the spirit of Freedom to Read is:
“A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.”
Reprinted from Mill Woods Mosaic, Edmonton, Alberta