Public idols: the difference is passion.
(Canscene) — While I wish the lady no ill, I lament the overboard idolization of singer Susan Boyle both sides of the Atlantic. To me she is a singer with excellent pitch but totally misdirected ability in putting over her numbers.
Take Cry Me a Fiver from her latest album. She just stands there singing what is a song of passion as though she were entertaining in a parlour.
Then take Michael Bublé’s version of the same song in his latest album. His impassioned demand for revenge is backed by sombre chords right out of grand opera and the effect is magic.
Watch out Canada, don’t let’s allow our awareness and appreciation of Michael, one of the freshest voices in world pop, erode away from this truly iconic Canadian. You can catch Cry Me a River on YouTube…. or here, on Vimeo.