Words we can do without
(Canscene) — How often I’ve jested about the man I most despise’s inability to pronounce “nuclear’” correctly. And Dubya is still doing it.
Now, I blush as I hear a man I admire, Ontario Minister of Economic Development Michael Bryant come out over the air with “nu-cal-ar.” Please Mr. Bryant!
And, please fellow journalists; can we soft-pedal on 2008’s most overused words, “iconic” and “famously.”
And to all: it’s FEBRUARY not “FEBYOUARY.” !!!!!!!!!!!
January 2nd, 2009 at 11:23 am
Let’s also say goodbye to the phrases “not so much” and “that being said”. Now that McCain and Palin are fading into the background, we could do without “maverick”, too.
January 5th, 2009 at 6:46 pm
Let’s dump “awesome”, “staycation”, “bailout” and “game changer”.
I wouldn’t miss “recovery plan”, “touch base” or “accused murderer”, either.
“Value added” and “synergy” are overdue for retirement. And how about this one? “I’m outta here”.
January 12th, 2009 at 11:14 am
and Frank, I notice that two old favourites have crept back
“At this point in time”
“At the end of the day.”
January 12th, 2009 at 11:56 pm
Oh, yes!
“At the end of the day” is an awful one.
“At this point in time” manages to use 21 keystrokes to say “now”.
I am also fed up with politicians who claim to be “moving forward”.