(Canscene) — In my last issue, I urged readers to learn about Canada’s World, the massive, ongoing study of our nation launched by Simon Fraser University.
Last month, Environics Research released the results of the first poll taken in that study. Some of the results were surprising, particularly regarding our relationships with the United States.
Although we have strong ties with the U.S. most Canadians strongly disapprove of their foreign policy, astoundingly naming the U.S. as the country with the most negative influence in the world. Fifty-two percent named the U.S. with Iran a distant second at 21 percent.
However, Canadians overwhelmingly support a Democratic government over a Republican by a margin of 7 to 1.
Young Canadians are more engaged in international issues than Canadian politics feeling we could do more to tackle environmental issues, issues in the developing world and human rights abuse worldwide.

Given that Democratic front-runners Obama and Clinton are attracting large followings of younger people, it seems that the youth vote in the U.S. will be very big next November.
Which makes one ask why in our own elections is the youth vote so low? How do we turn them on?
It’s likely to stay low unless our federal political parties rise to the challenge of young Canadians.