Phoenix 3: a trio who didn’t quit
(Canscene) –Last October, a devastating early morning fire destroyed a Toronto building in which a studio was being shared by three artists. One of them, who was living in the building, narrowly escaped with his life. All three lost the entire collection they were preparing for a joint pre-Christmas exhibition.
They were Germinio Pio Politi from Italy and Daniel Diaz and Ernesto Manera from Argentina. Lesser men would have been discouraged, but by December their muse had inspired them to start building again toward their next show.
Germinio specializes in collage and is creating a large body of work — one for each Canadian province. Here he is with Quebec, painstakingly made up of minute fragments of newspaper headlines, poster advertisements and other bric-a-brac.
And here’s one of Manuel’s large paintings. Layers on layers of mystical figures and shapes all in glorious, muted colours. Ernesto’s work wasn’t yet ready, but it will be for March when the entire show will be ready for the public to see.
I’ll let you know when you can visit this exhibition by three remarkable guys who didn’t sit down to weep but got right back into the fight again.