Watch for new musical: Curtains for Copas

(Canscene) –Toronto’s Gay Guide blog carries this little gem of neo-con lore:

In what could be lifted from a Saturday Night Live sketch, but is sadly true, a decorated sergeant and Arab linguist in the U.S. Army, Bleu Copas, was discharged … after his superiors received a series of anonymous e-mails outing him.

In flagrant violation of the military’s policy, Copas was asked flat out if he was gay, or had any gay acquaintances.

They didn’t stop there though – in what will certainly be the show-stopping moment when Copas’ story makes it to Broadway, they asked if he had ever been involved in community theatre.

While he didn’t disclose the play (or musical) he said “yes” and it was Curtains for Copas. After all, with what’s happening in the world why would the army need any more Arab translators or true leading men?

Canscene note: Watch out GIs, if you’ve ever performed in Charlie’s Aunt!

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