Writers: express your concern for Darfur
(Canscene) — While the Middle East erupts in violence the continuing tragedy in Darfur unfolds relentlessly. The following appeal came to us via our friends at Pen Canada:
Dear editors, writers and artists,
The survivors and victims of Darfur genocide need your help. About half- million are already dead, and millions displaced and homeless. When a catastrophe of this proportion takes place, creative people like you always come forward, raise voices and create literary and artistic backlash against the brutality. How feeble they may be, their voices ultimately document human suffering and struggle in literature, music, and painting and in every other form of art.
With this mission, an international website
has been launched combining poetry, flash fiction, music, photograph and painting related to Darfur genocide. We are requesting submissions from every writer,musician and artist. Please visit the websitefor details and encourage anyone you know who might be interested in this worldwide effort.
It will be a great help if you kindly write a note or article in your magazine or website about this endeavor and link our website with yours. Please pass on the word.
Our effort is completely humanitarian in nature and not associated with any specific organization.
Best Regards,
Sankar Roy
Email: editors@writersalliance.net