A wounded community
“Take a look around our vibrant and dynamic community and one thing becomes abundantly clear. The quality of life we have enjoyed for more than 50 years is truly a reflection of good, caring neighbours.”
Those are the words of some spin doctor at Cadillac Fairview, on the website of its Don Mills Centre, soon to be razed to make way for an open mall and presumably bIg box stores to replace the many small businesses there now.
I went there recently looking for bargains at the stores due to be closed. I didn’t leave without a sense of guilt at having profited at the expense not only of the merchants at the doomed shops but because Don Mills has been a real community centre. Many of the residents have lived there since 1954 when the centre opened. Many seniors have moved there. They appreciate the covered space soon to disappear
A grocery store and a drug store will remain standing, the rest will go. “We want to create a living space where our community can once again live, work” says Cadillac Fairview.
June 1st, 2006 at 6:14 am
I couldn’t believe it when I heard they were going to tear down that Centre! It wasn’t very long ago, they spent lots of money fixing everything up like new. Now they’re going to tear it down? What a waste. Are they crazy?