Journalists’ Group Renamed
(Canscene) — Canadian Ethnic Media Association (CEMA) is the new and snappier name of the 28-year-old Canadian Ethnic Journalists’ and Writers’ Club.
Its new website / much information of interest to all Canadians concerned with the future of Multiculturalism.
CEMA’s new logo
Founded in 1978 by the late Sierhey Khmara Ziniak, editor/publisher of the Byelorussian Voice, the club answered the needs of editors, writers and broadcasters who were excluded from the then existing ethnic media association which admitted only publishers of print media.
The change of name more truly reflects CEMA’S membership which needed to be totally inclusive with the advent of internet journalism, according to a statement released late last month.
Target: Awareness
CEMA states its main target will continue to be to create greater awareness among Canadians of the terrific potential of ethnic media in today’s multicultural society. These media create an opportunity for new Canadians to adjust to society, form a bridge between cultures and the greater community and help intercultural relations.
CEMA will continue to hold monthly speakers’ meetings, present juried awards at its annual televised gala in June and to hold the Season ‘s Dinner in November to celebrate all ethnocultural celebrations,
In Canada there are about 1,000 individual print and internet publications and radio and tv programs that can be classed as “ethnic.”
Webmaster is the distinguished Canadian journalist and CEMA member, Zuhair (Kash) Kashmeri.